
Rhinebeck Programs & Services

Related Services

Speech Language Therapy - To meet criteria, an SLP has to determine that a delay in speech and/or language skills is impacting the student's educational progress. A student may meet criteria for Speech and Language Impairment by having a speech delay: difficulty with articulation of speech sounds; fluency (e.g. repetition or prolongation of sounds, syllables); or voice (e.g. abnormal voice) and/or a language delay: impairment in receptive (what a child understands), expressive and or pragmatic language (the use of language in a variety of contexts).

Occupational Therapy - Students qualify for Occupational Therapy if they demonstrate a delay in their fine motor skills (writing, cutting, etc)  which adversely impacts their educational progress. In addition, students who demonstrate sensory integration difficulties may also qualify for this service.

Physical Therapy - Students demonstrate a need for Physical Therapy when they demonstrate a delay in their gross motor functioning (walking, climbing stairs, sitting, participating in PE) which involves the large body muscles. This delay must adversely impact their ability to participate in an educational setting safely.

Psychological Counseling - Counseling is provided to students whose social, emotional and/or behavioral functioning interferes with their ability to participate in the the classroom and throughout the school environment.

Students may qualify for related services through the Committee on Special Education, 504 committee or through AIS. If a student qualifies for a related service, these may be provided directly and/or indirectly. In a direct service model students may be seen individually, or in a small group with peers working on similar goals. In an indirect service model a provider monitors skills and provides support to those working directly with students including teachers, teaching assistants, and parents.


Special Education Teacher Services

Specialized Instruction is taught by special education teachers who utilize a student's Individualized Educational Plan to developed personalized learning experiences in order for students to achieve their IEP goals. A fundamental principle, that is supported by state and federal law, is to provide services and support for students in the least restrictive environment. This requires that the CSE, to the maximum extent appropriate, recommends an education in the same manner as it is provided to every other child, alongside peers, and in a general educational environment -- in their home district, in their home classrooms. Exceptions occur only if a CSE concludes that a child's needs are not being addressed in the general classroom; in those instances, the child will be placed in a special education setting for some part or all of the day. The Rhinebeck Central School District offers the Continuum of Special Education services outlined by the New York State Department of Education.